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Effects of Dental Corrosion


A Whirlwind through Potential Effects of Dental Corrosion:

Within the Mouth and to the Body Dental corrosion weakens the strength of the restoration as the material slowly disintegrates. This leads to micro-leakage around the margins of the restoration which allows bacteria to enter and cause tooth decay.

Nickel and Chromium released from some metal crowns and dentures can cause an allergic reaction where the skin in the mouth becomes red and swollen. They can also cause interference with biological pathways and affect immune cells by inhibiting them.

Amalgam fillings may cause an oral condition: oral lichen planus. This is seen through white striae (lines) within the mouth, especially adjacent to an amalgam filling.

Depending on the grade and severity of this condition, the erosive-type (where the skin is constantly ulcerated) is a warning sign for oral cancer.

Studies have shown that bone loss around implants is worse with titanium implants ?sprayed? with a passive layer. This means that these implants fail at a higher rate. Also, titanium alloys that corrode will significantly affect the longevity of implants.

Mercury released from amalgam fillings have the potential to affect various organs in the body.

This chronic mercury toxicity has been highly reported and you can find more information about this in our previous post.