New evidence suggests dentistry can be dated back to ancient civilisation!
An ancient tooth uncovered in Slovenia has provided insight into early dental practise, of which evidence has been extremely sparse with only a few other similar cases reported. The tooth dates back over 6,500 years and shows traces of beeswax as an attempt at filling a dental cavity which had caused a vertical crack in the enamel and layers of the tooth.
Advancements in dentistry?
As a profession, dentistry has come a long way since 6,500 years ago. With many restoration and cosmetic options thanks to scientific advancements producing revolutionary technology, now we can restore your smile with minimal fuss and absolute expertise.
Keeping your teeth for life?
At Image Dental in Applecross, Perth, we are dedicated to helping you keep your teeth for your lifetime, and offer an array of restorative treatments in order to achieve this goal. If you find your teeth are aching because of decay or you are unhappy with the shape of your teeth, we offer Ceramic Restorations.
We always perform metal-free dentistry where possible, and are conservative in our ceramic restoration treatment to keep the tooth structure strong. All ceramic restorations are bonded to the teeth to allow for strength, durability and longevity.
Keep your teeth for life with us at Image Dental in Applecross.
For more information on our treatments or to book an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us.